I got my starboard done at Wet n Dry when I did the nose in at Hunstanton - remember that time...!
It's in Essex off the M25, not Kent off the A2 I think. The guy there did a good paint job, and they are supposed to be specialist in composites like Carbon / Kevlar too. I dropped it off there and a bloke I know who lives a few miles away and works in Stevenage picked it up for me.
I'm going to drop my board off there tomorrow afternoon... the insurers have given me the go-ahead based on his quote.
As per usual, my poor knowledge of geography is showing and Wet 'n' Dry (Basildon) is is Essex. However, it is right on the border with Kent so I wasn't too far off. I've been to Basildon in the past but didn't take any notice as to which county it was in.