
Polakow Chronicle – pt.2

Jason writes about his latest video the “Multi sports chronicle”

I have been cross training for many years now and I find it really helps me on so many levels. My cross training mainly includes other extreme sports like super cross, heli-boarding and tow surfing which keeps my mind active and super aware. I find it really helps my mental and physical preparation for what my true passion is; chasing down and riding some of the biggest waves on the planet.One of my favorite cross sports to do is motocross. Since a young kid I have been racing motocross bikes and it’s now part of my body and soul….. It’s a fine line to make the decision to cross train in such a dangerous sport but I made the decision a while ago that the reward far outweighs the risk.I hope you like this 2nd installment to my new show called JP Chronicles, which is a short action piece of what I love to do.

Check the video on YouTube JP Chronicle – pt.2oron Red Bull


Authors: andreas

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