
You are a Grid Builder

Yoga reminds us that we are in a co-creative experience. We are not victims of fate. Reality is not coming AT us. It is coming FROM us. Yet, we are not in control of others, nor are we in control of the laws of the cosmos. What we are in control of is our mind flow and the way we focus our energy. The good news is that is enough to make all the difference in our lives. One of the best ways to exercise this power of focus is what we call “Grid Building”. Grid building is the art of setting general intention without needing to figure out the details. The grid pictured her is an example. If you made your own full page version, and listed a few things under each category, you would have done the work of creating a grid of focus for your own betterment. The key to the grid work is to STAY GENERAL. By that I mean, let go of the details; NO names, NO places, NO exact amounts, and NO precise timing. Let go of the details and stay in the general “feeling tone” of what is wanted. When we stay general, and let the details fill themselves in, we make room for harmony an synchronicity that is beyond our control. In this way we make room for things to unfold in a better way than our minds could imagine. Have you ever had the experience of wanting something and not being too attached to it. You wonder about it, you feel into how cool it would be, then you let it go and forget about it. Have you noticed those are the things that come most easily to us? And have you noticed it is often a win-win-win scenario in the unfolding? This is the grid filling itself in!


Grid work is clarity without grasping. It is one of the key messages of the yoga philosophy: set clear intention then relax and let the unseen bring things into orchestration. Yoga teaches us to have tapas and sterum (clarity and steadiness) in our general intentions, and ishvarapranidhana and sukham (faith and ease) on the journey towards them. Most of the time we get in the way of this natural process. When we want something so bad we think we need to wrestle people to the ground to get it, we are not letting the grid fill itself in and things get hard and messy.

Now, you may be asking, “if its that simple, why are most people NOT getting what they want?” Because they are too mentally lazy to train their minds to focus positively. Also a strong attitude of victimhood keeps us from claiming our creative power. Not matter what we say and do, if our most active attitude is one of complaint and pessimism we pinch off our power. Mood and attitude are everything. So wait until you find yourself naturally in an open mood before trying the grid work. And use you yoga practice to get in an open mood; that’s what it is designed to do for us. Once you’re there, have fun with the grid work. Whether you draw it out on paper or speak out loud in your car, make sure you feel good doing it. Remember, we are training the mind towards clarity of things wanted WITHOUT needing to figure out how or when. After you build a grid, LET IT BE… let go and forget about it. Don’t hang it on your wall like you have to memorize it. Shred it and compost it. Your work is done.

We have our life grid (like the one above) but we can also build micro grids for the projects and dreams of our expanding life. For example, if you wanted a new home, you might draw a grid and at each intersection name a wanted aspect for the new space. You might use words like, private, quiet, natural light, fresh air, perfect price, big kitchen, etc… Then take a few moments to feel the new house and the appreciation of these aspects. After that, your work is done. Its done! Don’t make a to do list! Don’t jump into action. Stay chill, eagerly anticipate and let the grid fill itself in. Find fun things to do that have nothing to do with the grid you just built. Stay easy and the path will come to you! This is clarity and trusting in harmony.

Now, don’t take my word for it. Words don’t teach. Only direct experience teaches. Remember, most people are too lazy to practice these focusing techniques. Be on the leading edge. Master your energy. Deliberate creation is the most natural thing and is offered to each us equally. Will you be one of the few who steps up and reclaims your power to direct your own life? Or will you just continue jumping around on your mat and thinking that’s all there is to yoga? Your choice. BTW… jumping around is FUN! but there is so much more…

Inspiration brought to you by Jennifer Lynn at Wisdom Flow Yoga wisdomimage

Authors: Super User

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