
Fanatic SUP joins Plastic Patrol UK


Happy to announce that Fanatic will be part of Plastic Patrol this summer! Paddle out to purge plastic in the UK’s waterways. Take part in a FREE paddleboard session to help reduce plastic pollution.

Double world record holder and environmental activist, Lizzie Carr, is asking local communities all over the UK to join her efforts in ridding the nations waterway of plastic pollution.

Lizzie, an Ordnance Survey GetOutside champion and Geovation Challenge winner, is holding #PlasticPatrol clean up across 10 locations in the UK this summer clean the country’s most polluted waterways.

All clean ups will include the opportunity to try paddle boarding, completely free, for anyone who reserves a place on the website in advance. ( ando experience is necessary, just enthusiasm and willingness to support an important cause.

For anyone who wants stay on land there will also be an opportunity to clean up the towpaths simultaneously – people just need to turn up. Individuals are also welcome to bring their own canoes, kayaks or paddle boards – the more, the merrier.

In May 2016 Lizzie became the first person in history to paddle board the length of England’s waterways, solo and unsupported. She completed the 400-mile journey in 22 days, plotting over 2000 photos of plastic pollution she encountered, earning her international recognition from both media and the general public for her efforts.

A year on and ready for her next challenge, on 18th May 2017, Lizzie become the first female in history to solo stand up paddle board across the English Channel, a record breaking seven hour long crossing highlighting bigger environmental story about plastic pollution in our oceans.

During this time Lizzie also launched #PlasticPatrol, her nationwide initiative to tackle the 80% of marine debris that comes from inland sources by stopping the problem at its source – in the canals and rivers she knows so well by hosting clean up events and inviting the public to join her.

Lizzie says: “The huge response to the increasing awareness of the issue with plastic pollution has spurred me on to run more clean ups in 2018, enlisting further support from local communities. By getting involved people are able to try a new activity, meet like-minded people, and get fit but, above all, fight the global issue of plastic pollution choking our waterways.

Earlier this year, Plastic Patrol was selected to receive financial, technical and business support from Geovation, Ordnance Survey’s innovation initiative. This was in response to the Geovation Challenge which invited ideas that would build greener, smarter communities. As a result, the existing #PlasticPatrol app is in phase two of its development for users to geolocate and report plastic pollution.

Authors: FanaticFanatic

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